Our Priorities

As a school community we are challenged to continually focus our energy and desire for innovation on school improvement strategies that directly affect learning and student achievement.

Courageous Renewal

In 2016 our school community embarked on a journey of learning and revelation seeking to realise a shared dream for every child –  a life fully lived.

Since then the world has not stood still – the environment in which our children live, learn and grow continues to change around them, often in unpredictable and uncertain ways.  These changing demands have driven the need for new learning designs, a focus on personal and social capabilities and a renewed educational model beside that traditionally followed.  Our school has not stood still and we have responded full of hope and vigour.

There are many great things about Good Samaritan Catholic Primary School and over the past six years every effort has been made to develop as a faith filled learning community.

We have embraced the children and families who are the heart of our school community. We have listened and responded to their story – broadening the scope of our educational functions, becoming more attuned to need and specialised in our learning and care.  We have celebrated the faith stories that enrich the charism of the school and provide a constant reminder that our school community can be a life-giving source of mercy, compassion, respect, and justice.

Despite our successes we cannot rest –  there is more to be done to shape a future that delivers equitable and excellent outcomes for every child and their family. 

This calls for courageous renewal  – a deliberate and purposeful focus on continuously developing the our school community as an inclusive place of faith and learning.

Learning for a Life Fully Lived

Our 2022 -2025 strategic plan builds upon the School’s achievements and distinguishing qualities of the past twenty-seven years and positions our community ready to meet the challenges of the future.

Please download our Annual Action Plan for a detailed description of our School Goals and Improvement Actions for 2023.